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05 декабря 2013

05 декабря председатель Архангельской областной организации ВОС Нельзикова Надежда Валерьевна посетила наше предприятие с деловым визитом.

Председатель Архангельской областной организации ВОС Нельзикова Надежда Валерьевна познакомилась с работниками предприятия, посмотрела производственные цеха и служебные помещения, а также  условия труда инвалидов по зрению. На заседании обсудили производственно-хозяйственную деятельность предприятия и перспективы развития на 2014-2016 г.г.


В заседании приняли участие главный бухгалтер ООО "Рубикон"   Зоя Николаевна Паламодова, реабилитолог Ольга Досифеевна Коткова, главный инженер Виталий Андреевич Скопин, специалист Архангельской областной организации Татьяна Валентиновна Иванова.







09 сентября 2023 в 15:32


Unlocking the Secrets of the Tor Wiki: Your Go-To Source for Information Well, well, well, what do we have here? Are you ready for a ride down the rabbit hole known as the Dark Web? Oh, we know you are. And boy, do we have an interesting topic for you today. Yes, folks, we are talking about the infamous Tor .onion urls directories and the ever-changing list of sites that make up the elusive and mysterious underworld of the internet. Now, if you're not sure what the Dark Web or Tor even are, let us give you a quick rundown. The Dark Web, also known as the Deep Web, is a part of the internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines and is only accessible through special software like Tor (The Onion Router). Tor uses complex encryption and routing to keep the user's identity and online activity anonymous. But why would anyone want to access the Dark Web, you ask? Well, for some, it's a place to buy illegal goods like drugs, weapons, and even fake passports. For others, it's a place to safely communicate online without being monitored by governments or corporations. And for some, it's simply a place to explore the weird and the wicked. And that's where the Tor .onion urls directories come in. These directories, also known as Tor links, are websites that can only be accessed through the Tor network. They usually have .onion at the end of their URLs instead of the typical .com or .org. The Secrets of the Tor Onion URLs: A Guide to the Dark Wiki http://darknetlinks.net
09 сентября 2023 в 13:34


http://darknet2020.com Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Deep Web with Tor Wiki The internet is a vast expanse with innumerable websites and pages, but not all of them are visible or accessible to everyone. The Dark Web, or Deep Web, is a portion of the internet that is hidden and can only be accessed through special software. One such software is Tor, which allows users to browse hidden websites through Tor .onion urls. The Dark Web is often associated with illegal activities such as drug trade, human trafficking, and cybercrime. However, it is also home to many websites that provide valuable information and resources. The problem lies in finding these websites as they are not indexed by search engines. This is where Tor links and directories come in. Tor links are websites that can only be accessed through Tor .onion urls. These urls are not accessible through regular browsers and require the use of Tor to access them. Onion Urls are another term used to refer to these websites. Tor links provide a gateway to hidden websites that may not be easily accessible through regular browsing. Directories like the Hidden Wiki and Tor Link Directory provide a list of Tor sites that can be accessed through Tor links. These directories offer a collection of websites that may not be easily accessible through regular browsing. They provide a valuable resource for people looking to explore the Dark Web and access information that may not be available through regular browsing. It is important to note that not all Tor sites are illegal or involved in illegal activities. Many websites on the Dark Web are legitimate and offer valuable information and Navigating the Deep Web: A Tor Link Directory for the Brave http://darknet2020.com
09 сентября 2023 в 11:36


http://onionwiki.net Taking a Dive into the Deep Web: Uncovering the Best Tor Links and Directories The internet is a vast place, and it is called the World Wide Web for a reason. The sheer amount of information available is staggering. However, not all information is easily accessible. There is a hidden world on the internet known as the Deep Web, and it requires special tools to access. One such tool is Tor, which allows users to access hidden sites with Tor .onion urls. The Tor Dark Wiki Onion Sites Link Directory is one such portal that provides access to the hidden world of the internet. The Tor Dark Wiki Onion Sites Link Directory is a comprehensive list of onion links that lead to hidden sites. These sites include everything from forums and marketplaces to more sinister destinations such as chat rooms that promote illegal activities. Many of these links are fresh and updated regularly, providing users with access to the latest information on the Deep Web. The Tor Dark Wiki serves as a directory for Tor sites and provides links to various resource pages. It also includes an updated list of onion urls, making it easier for users to find the right Tor link for their needs. Furthermore, the Tor Wiki provides a list of directories that users can use to navigate the Deep Web. The Hidden Wiki is another valuable resource for finding Tor links. It is an encyclopedia of sorts for the Deep Web and includes links to a vast range of websites. These links are often organized into categories to make it easier for users to navigate the directory. The Hidden Wiki is updated frequently to ensure that the information is reliable and up to date. Uncovering Hidden Gems: Exploring the Tor Wiki List of Links http://darknettor.com
09 сентября 2023 в 05:42


http://telephonebuycheap.link Cheap Apple Smartphones: How to Make the Most of Your Budget Are you a fan of Apple products but on a tight budget? Well, do we have news for you! You can now buy Apple phones at a low price. Yes, you read that right, low-price Apple smartphones are now available. But before you get too excited, there's a catch. These iPhones being sold cheap may be stolen goods. We all know that Apple smartphones are not exactly what one would call affordable. However, at this point, we've all probably come across some people trying to sell iPhones at a price too good to be true. And let's face it, more often than not, these phones are stolen and being sold on the black market. Now, we're not saying that you should necessarily go out and buy yourself a stolen iPhone because that is illegal, and we do not condone any illegal activities. However, we do understand that the appeal of getting an expensive iPhone at a fraction of the original price is tempting. But if you're still keen on getting your hands on an Apple iPhone but don't want to get into any unsavory business, there are some legitimate ways to get your hands on cheap Apple smartphones. One way is to wait for the latest model of the iPhone to come out. When Apple releases a new model of the iPhone, the older models will go down in price. So, if you don't need to have the latest and greatest, you can get the previous model of the iPhone at a lower price. The Dark Side of Selling Stolen Apple iPhones iPhone XS, 512GB, Silver 250.00$ $ iPhone XR, 64GB, White 200.00$ iPhone XR, 64GB, Black 200.00$ iPhone XR, 64GB, Blue 200.00$ iPhone XR, 64GB, Yellow 200.00$ iPhone XR, 64GB, Coral 200.00$ iPhone XR, 64GB, Red 200.00$ iPhone XR, 128GB, White 250.00$ iPhone XR, 128GB, Black 250.00$ iPad mini 4, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 128GB, Silver 150.00$ MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.9GHz, 512GB, Silver 800.00$ MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.9GHz, 512GB, Space Gray 800.00$ MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.9GHz, 256GB, Silver 650.00$ MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.9GHz, 256GB, Space Gray 650.00$ Mac Mini, 2.8GHz, 1TB Fusion Drive 300.00$ Mac Mini, 2.6GHz, 1TB 200.00$ Cheap iPhone XR Buy iPhone 12 Pro
09 сентября 2023 в 01:48


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