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04 мая 2018 в 20:06


My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a horrible experience, as he wouldn't let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random subjects and complained about his wakefulness. I totally told him to link and deal with it.
04 мая 2018 в 20:03


Hi everyone! Recently I have been dealing with a lot of challenges. Friends and doctors keep telling me I should consider taking meds, so I may as well website and see how it goes. Problem is, I haven't taken it for a while, and don't wanna get back to it, we'll see how it goes.
11 апреля 2018 в 18:12


Hello all! Recently I have been battling with a lot of hardships. Friends and doctors keep telling me I should consider taking pills, so I may as well url and see how it goes. Problem is, I haven't taken it for a while, and don't wanna get back to it, we'll see how it goes.
11 апреля 2018 в 17:54


My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a very bad experience, as he wouldn't let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random subjects and cried about his wakefulness. I totally told him to link and deal with it.
18 марта 2018 в 18:07


My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a horrible experience, as he wouldn't let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random stories and cried about his anxiety. I totally told him to interaction and deal with it.
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