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13 июня 2012

На предприятии прошел конкурс детских рисунков

К Дню защиты детей на предприятии организовали выставку детских рисунков, в которой приняли участие дети наших сотрудников.


Рисунки были на свободные темы: портрет,натюрморт, сказочные персонажи, природа и морская тематика.

Все участники выставки были отмечены подарками.


На фото Евгений Паутов,7 лет. Его работы-жар птица, парусник, полевые цветы и портрет были отмечены как работы юного художника.





07 июня 2017 в 18:48


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07 июня 2017 в 18:45


The Miami Dolphins Game Tickets – Get Them Early To Be Sure The Miami Dolphins came into being in 1965 at the grand cost of $7.5 million as an expansion to the American Football League. Joseph Robbie, a lawyer and Danny Thomas, an actor were the two partners who acquired the rights. Later, Danny sold his share to Joseph who then became the sole owner. When the team was being built, there was quite a hunt for a suitable name. More than 19000 people participated in the contest to choose a name and finally the name �Dolphins' was chosen as it was selected by the largest number of voters. That is how the Miami Dolphins were inducted into American football history and Miami Dolphins game tickets became the much sought after sports tickets in the country. Achieving The Heights Of Glory It takes any team time to do well and the Dolphins were no exception. The first four seasons saw the Miami Dolphins getting an indifferent 15-39-2 record and this would have been enough to make most owners despondent. Naturally enough this led to a change of coach and Shula was then hired as the head coach. Shula told the Miami press that he knew only one mantra for success – sweat and toil. He took the players through the mill and soon established four training sessions a day where the next seemed to begin just as the previous one was ending. However, the sweat and the toil paid off. The Dolphins ended their first season under Shula with a 10-4 record and only lost their first ever playoff appearance with a fighting 21-14. The string of good results continued, with the Dolphins becoming the first team ever to make it to the Super Bowl for three seasons in a row and in 1972 they had a perfect season, winning everything that could be thrown at them, finally winning the Super Bowl VII by defeating the Washington Redskins 14 – 7. Coach Don Shula deserves credit for the fantastic performance the Miami Dolphins have turned in. He has been with the team from 1970 to 1995 and the record of the team under him has been 257-133-2, a tremendous record by any standards. The Miami Logo has stayed the same for nearly 40 years and is one of the most recognized logos in the history of the game. It consists of a friendly looking dolphin wearing a helmet with an M on it. The dolphin in turn is positioned in front of a shining sun. The uniforms are neat and have had minor changes to the lettering to make them easier for the fans to read at a distance. The Miami Dolphins are one of the few teams to wear a white uniform – especially when they play at home. They have been known to wear an aqua or an orange jersey at nights at times and the sight of Dolphins on the attack, looking like lightning striking, is something that fans cherish. There is a Dolphin fan that has lifetime passes to every Dolphin game at home. She won it by predicting the result of a match many years ago. The rest of us aren't so lucky and have to buy our Miami Dolphins game tickets. However, you can get smart and get your tickets online. The process is simple enough, you get to see all the seats available and can choose your favorite seats from among them. Nothing cushions you better against a late booking and a sold out house. It is best to get smart and book your Miami Dolphins game tickets online. http://hceap.info/hotel/best-train-ticket-prices-italy.php
07 июня 2017 в 18:37


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07 июня 2017 в 18:30


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07 июня 2017 в 18:15


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