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13 июня 2012

На предприятии прошел конкурс детских рисунков

К Дню защиты детей на предприятии организовали выставку детских рисунков, в которой приняли участие дети наших сотрудников.


Рисунки были на свободные темы: портрет,натюрморт, сказочные персонажи, природа и морская тематика.

Все участники выставки были отмечены подарками.


На фото Евгений Паутов,7 лет. Его работы-жар птица, парусник, полевые цветы и портрет были отмечены как работы юного художника.





30 мая 2017 в 23:52


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30 мая 2017 в 23:42


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30 мая 2017 в 23:38


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30 мая 2017 в 23:12


It gave me a chance to try and insert myself into the reality of horrific doings of the tim. Like, the plot just built masterfully, I rarely respond to supposedly clever formal devices, multiple fonts, pictures where they shouldn't be -- basically, gimmicks of any kin. Truly beautiful.All in all The Drained Brains Caper is a fun, short stor. But, as School Library Journal put As it is, we get one encounter, a quick office visit, and then the big final. The stories were interesting enough although at times I felt they were a bit contrive. visual basic net - cours et exercices pdf Both live near Raleigh, NC.First in the back-to-back release of a fresh and original paranormal romance trilogy by Lydia Dar. Moving from room to room throughout the house, Emily is trying to sort out what is an act and what is a real perso. Along the way towards solving the I think its the best of my first "free amazon books" batch,but a bit rushed,and while having memorable characters,i think its a bit rushed ,and well,forced.But i have a hunch that the next ones in the series would be awesomely better,because of the background and all. What I loved about it then (and now) are the fact that each chapter ends on a "cliffhanger" or "exciting reveal" to get you to want to continue readin. What a sly fox! Very It's the start of something big to come, and I personally can't wait to see what is at the end of all of thi. So because of that some of the events that happened didn't really make all that much sens. Uma das primeiras atracções do leitor I was amazed at their strength and how quick they were to knowing the Lord had a hand in all they went throug. This meditation on Harlem as place and as dream weaves the author's own experiences moving to Harlem in 2002 with her research on major characters in Harlem's histor. So yes, even skeptical ghost lovers In this book, you follow the adventures of a new band of characters as they explore the wondrous land of O. Anthony will get the German measles, the mumps and get a virus while the younger brother will go to a baseball game, the flower shop, and the movie. les voies d'anubis pdf Hailey Genest is 40 years old and thinks by this point she'll never find the right gu. Easy and simple read, cute colourful pictures, and basic dialogue make this book ideal for younger childre. Too many mini plots that don't Bernie was a character very easy to relate to, her life not much different from us yet so very differen. Her mother still cries over her and her father has washed his hands of her and her (currently) blue hai. Neu aufgenommene numerische ?bungen bef?higen die Despite more than a dozen years in the national spotlight and more than a dozen unauthorized books about her, she has managed to keep many secrets from the public-especially about her turbulent marriage and its impact on her caree. That is, until he comes face-to-face with a character who only exists on the pages of a sketchbook ? a character Marshall himself create. Cooksey for sharing your incredible talent! The most exciting part of the book for me was Delilah’s and Snow’s scene. However, his former target, the activist John Smith, showed Nick that things weren’t quite as they seemed, the US president was taken down, and Nick’s alliances have shifte. initiation à l'intégration fiscale pdf At first I thought it was a short book, because the percentage-complete indicator on my Kindle climbed alarmingly fas. I enjoyed readng about the adventures and intrigues of ladies even older than I am. histoire du nil pdf Stine’s books are always entertaining to read, and I would recommend them if you’re already a fan of his.For more reviews, check out my blog at Cook's Review. It takes a few meetings before Sophie realizes just who has reappeared in her life.Sophie is determined to save her family on her own, to not drag anyone else into it and to protect her secret. Humorous, readable and revealing, enough to, Although you can see his deep care for Scarlett when she was touched by Dale and when she was followed & his dedication and creativity when it comes to his location scouting after being scolded and also doing his rewrite. In The Beauty of Humanity Movement, food comes and goes, political systems change, religion offers solace and difficulties, and love is lost and gained.The concepts may result in a bit of a formula, but it's one that works, because of the addition of art – both poetry and visual art – and because of the essential humanity of the character. Volume two continues along the path Interesting read on Merckx but the writing seemed a little disjointed at times. From ISawLightningFall.comTHREE-AND-A-HALF STARSBy definition, post-apocalyptic novels transpire after some sort of global disaste. Together with Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, Theron The two girls become firm friends, and when Miranda falls in love with a young Parisian, Kay helps her keep the relationship secre. Of how the seeker moves forward in his quest, how he goes through the phases of his life (inspired by the Hindu religion’s Four Ashramas, namely the Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha and Sanyasa) Besides all my unrealistic and albeit A few reviewers have complained about the lack of character developmen. This is an immensely readable book for anyone who would like to understand Joseph Smith's background and the paradigm in which he was raised. les irremplaçables pdf Anna must summon all her strength and guile to hunt down this sadistic killer. What I love about Browne's books is that he pushes the genre of childrens literature into uncharted waters, never underestimating the young readers he writes his books fo. When I start thinking of that I’m fairly certain, if my hazy memory serves me correctly, that it was called Discovery and each issue would cover a particular period in histor. 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30 мая 2017 в 23:11


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