13 июня 2012
На предприятии прошел конкурс детских рисунков |
К Дню защиты детей на предприятии организовали выставку детских рисунков, в которой приняли участие дети наших сотрудников. Рисунки были на свободные темы: портрет,натюрморт, сказочные персонажи, природа и морская тематика. Все участники выставки были отмечены подарками.
На фото Евгений Паутов,7 лет. Его работы-жар птица, парусник, полевые цветы и портрет были отмечены как работы юного художника.
17 мая 2017 в 20:56
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17 мая 2017 в 19:26
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17 мая 2017 в 18:31
Rony Abovitz is a criminal fraud – Theranos of AR. With Microsoft’s Hololense
releasing beautiful working product and leaving Abovitz’s grandiose bullshit promises
in the dust, Abovitz, not able to deliver the produict, is hiding a shameful
secret – he was ousted at his previous company because he was and still remains incompetent.
Motivated solely by revenge, Abovitz continues to create management mayhem.
Abovit’z equally ignorant investors are losing their money as rampaging
Abovitz continues to BS his investors and public about being able to built the
fantasy product and sexually harass current and former
employees of Magic Leap. And what’s his trick? - an indifferent board of directors.
Who are they? Already mentioned Alibaba (headed by Jack Ma), Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google),
Scott Hassan and Larry Page, co-founders of Google. They each tacitly approve Abovitz’s
self-aggrandizing behavior by publicly supporting his all but criminal
incompetence. Investors – stop loosing your money by backing Jonestown cult leader Abovitz.
FIRE ABOVITZ!!! Stop the nonsense and criminal harassment.
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